Website translation and SEO optimization are crucial for your online business, Stripe research shows.

Tatiana Osoblivaia


Multilingual SEO
If you have an online shop and want to expand your market, you will certainly start by selling your products or services abroad. Take advantage of the benefits offered to companies by e-commerce platforms and pay special attention to the translation of your content, since a bad translation ...
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Website translation and SEO optimization are crucial for your online business, Stripe research shows.

Cyber Essentials certification obtained by PoliLingua

Tatiana Osoblivaia


Translation industry news
  PoliLingua has obtained the Cyber Essentials certification. What does it mean for you? Basically, it means PoliLingua really cares about you and your documents and files and acts proactively, taking very serious measures against any - even the barest - possibility of a cyberattack. 
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PoliLingua Commitment during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis

Tatiana Osoblivaia


Translation services
A safe and sensible approach to handling the COVID-19 pandemic PoliLingua is dedicated to ensure quality services during the current Coronavirus outbreak that is a dangerous hazard for everyone around the world. We understand that the prospects can be intimidating, but let us put your mind ...
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Why captions and subtitles are so important for your video content

Tatiana Osoblivaia


Translation services
If your videos underperform and you stall figuring out what goes wrong, think about adding captions and subtitles. Not because it’s just cool, but because it’s an absolute must in the modern online world. Here is why You are a content creator. You make videos ...
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Challenges of Chinese to English translation or how to avoid Chinglish

Tatiana Osoblivaia


Language and Culture
China is well-known for its populous land and abundant history. Its language is considered the oldest and the most spoken around the world. No wonder, Chinese language is extending its popularity, heading today towards an even more important position.
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Video captioning - tips to follow when subtitling

Tatiana Osoblivaia


Language services industry
So many films and videos are produced daily with a vast majority available on the screen now. Dubbed versions are amazing, but what about enjoying the originality and grasping the meaning at the same time? You probably wouldn’t mind to hear the voice of that particular ...
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Brand translation - mistakes in localizing advertisement campaigns

Tatiana Osoblivaia


Language and Culture
Achieving success with an enticing slogan in your mother tongue can be a great premise for a market extension overseas. Enhanced sales converted into increased financial revenues is what the contemporary businesses are aspiring to. But here’s another turn of events resulted in failed expectations due ...
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Most translated books - the annual poetry and novel translation contest 2019

Tatiana Osoblivaia


Language and Culture
The conversion of creative content into other languages, including novels and poetry, plays a key role in reaching a broader audience by spreading literature world wide.Why is the literary translation important?In fact, the translation of books is of great importance. Firstly, it contours our understanding ...
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Why is difficult to translate Donald Trump? Trumpslation explained.

Tatiana Osoblivaia


Language and Culture
The increased demand for political translation brings some sensitive questions into the international scenario. Apparently innocuous errors or details omitted by negligence can become subject to serious conflicts, and even leading to war. In order to ensure the proper message rendition, the most viable means of identifying and ...
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Our translations are performed by translators carefully selected to align with the subject matter and content of your project. They meet and exceed international quality standards. Upon request, we will provide you with a certificate attesting to the precision of our translations