How to land a job with online translation services

Today, when the Internet rules the world, there is no need to look for an office job in the country of your residence. If you know different languages, have the set of skills required, you can become a translator and turn it either into your day job or ...
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How to land a job with online translation services

We did redesign it! You might want to take a look

Oh hi! We need to talk. Yes, everything is okay, but there is something you should know about. We’ve redesigned our website and you really should check it out. Basically, it’s a facelift of the meeting place for translation experts (that’s us) and our clients (that’s ...
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Document translation: how much does it cost and why?


Multilingual SEO
As with any knowledge work, translation is really something greater than a sum of its parts. To make a translation expert it takes a good command of two languages (a target and a source one - the one it’s translated from and the one it’s translated to), extensive ...
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9 things to consider when choosing the right translation agency

As with any other kinds of business, when choosing a translation service provider to work with you should take into consideration a number of things, from the credibility of the agency to the quality of translation it does to the availability of its customer service. To help ...
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Freelance Translator or Translation Agency: Who should you hire for your next translation project

This moment will come. In a month or a week or a day, your company will reach the point when everyone realizes - Henry doesn’t understand what we are talking about. We need to translate everything. Or maybe it will be the new boss who will get interested ...
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Top differences between Canadian and American English

Once upon a time, there was a language that was used solely by the British people. It had many dialects, some of which were so - ahem - unique that sometimes it took some time even for English speakers to realize it was English they'd just heard. With its ...
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How to translate a WordPress website?


Multilingual SEO
  Why translating WordPress? Exporting the WordPress content ...
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What is multilingual SEO, keyword research and how to make them work


Multilingual SEO
If you are an SEO connoisseur, there are all chances you know what steps to take when you are entering a multilingual SEO game. But if you’ve never ventured into the multilingual website business, it makes sense for you to find an expert who will run the process ...
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What are the differences between European and Canadian French?

As you may know, French is spoken not only in France and Belgium but in many countries in Africa and in one particular country in North America - Canada. How did it happen? About 200-300 years ago, European countries were on the run to conquer as much territory ...
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Our translations are performed by translators carefully selected to align with the subject matter and content of your project. They meet and exceed international quality standards. Upon request, we will provide you with a certificate attesting to the precision of our translations