The Rise of Corporate E-learning Translation

The Rise of Corporate E-learning Translation

In today's knowledge-based work environment, the learning curve of an individual is greatly influenced by his or her capacity to understand and apply new knowledge. With the rise of global corporate e-learning, more and more companies are realizing the importance of imparting new skills and techniques to their employees with a view to improve efficiency and performance, as well as increase income levels.

What is corporate e-learning?

Corporate e-learning (or "e-learning" for short) is the use of digital technology to improve employee training and development.

Innovation in technology has radically changed how businesses must train their workforce, and corporate e-learning is part of that change. The number of people working for large organizations who have never been trained in an e-learning system is staggering; the typical American worker spends more time on Facebook than on any other form of business communication.

To meet these challenges, many companies are turning to virtual classrooms to deliver training. Almost all Fortune 500 companies use some form of corporate e-learning, and teaching techniques such as "the flipped classroom" have become mainstream.

What are the benefits of corporate e-learning?

Corporate e-learning has several benefits, the most important of which are:

Flexible learning for employees: Employees can access online courses from any location and at any time. They can also learn at their own pace and in their own style, without the constraints of a traditional classroom environment.

Improved engagement from learners

E-learning allows learners to actively participate in their own learning experience. They are not just passive recipients of information. Instead, they are fully engaged and involved in their learning process. This has been shown to lead to better knowledge retention and improved skills application.

Reduced costs for companies

The main advantage that online learning offers over in-person training is a reduction in costs. Corporate e-learning is particularly useful when training large groups of employees, where it can be considerably cheaper than classroom learning.

Tracking productivity and measuring ROI (return on investment) in corporate e-learning is also easier than in traditional classroom sessions. This means that organizations are able to ensure they are getting value for money from their training programs.


Efficiency is another important advantage of e-learning. When you consider that classroom learning requires not only your company’s money but also your employees’ time — which means losing out on productivity — online learning starts to look like a much more attractive option. Online courses can be taken quickly wherever an employee happens to be, making it easy for them to fit training into a busy schedule without being pulled away from work for extended periods of time.


Distance learning is flexible. E-learning allows you to reach employees anywhere at any time, and employees can fit training into their schedules as their workloads allow. In addition, online learning offers the ability to access information quickly and easily. Learners can search for a specific topic or scan a module for relevant information – often in less time than it takes to read through an entire course.

Why translate your corporate e-learning content?

The goals of a translation project are driven by the business case for the project. The translation is not an end in itself, but a means to an end. The specific reasons for translating a course will vary from one company to another, but here are some common ones:

To expand the target audience of a course by offering it in more than one language.

This can be done to reach employees in new geographical markets where English is not the predominant language, or to expand the course's market potential beyond the internal corporate audience to reach the international audience.

To create multilingual versions of a course that has been created in multiple single-source languages.

This is done when there are multiple versions of the same course, each in its own single-source language. For example, a company may have courses available in Spanish and German. A translation project can be undertaken to make the course available in both languages at the same time (instead of creating two separate courses).

To update existing translated materials that were developed using traditional methods or outdated technologies.

This is an important reason for customers who have used translation services in previous projects, but now want to leverage new technologies that can make translation more cost-effective and easier to manage,for example dubbing or voice-over, which are done far more effectively now than in the past.

Enhance comprehension

By translating your corporate e-learning content into the native tongue of your employees, you will enhance their ability to understand the elearning materials. This is particularly important if you are teaching complex concepts or if you have employees that speak English as a second language.

Drive inclusion

By offering company training in different languages, you are showing that you value all of your employees equally and that you want to include them in the learning process. This can help to boost morale and foster team spirit as everyone works towards a common goal.

How can we help you

Polilingua is a reputable language translation company that provides high quality language services to the education sector. We have extensive experience in translating all kinds of learning materials, including e-learning and coursebooks, making us a trusted partner for educational publishers and companies.

Our translators and editors are native speakers of the target language, thus guaranteeing a natural and native style to your translated content. In addition, they are experts in their specific fields, which means that you can be sure your translated learning materials are accurate and up-to-date. Our project management process ensures that all translations can be completed quickly and efficiently to meet your deadlines.

Polilingua's strength is its experience in translating learning material, which includes everything from schoolbooks and educational videos to online courses. We know how important it is for you to promote a common language for all your learners, regardless of their native tongue, and we also understand that the texts you use have to be accessible to every learner.


Our translations are performed by translators carefully selected to align with the subject matter and content of your project. They meet and exceed international quality standards. Upon request, we will provide you with a certificate attesting to the precision of our translations